• Sundown at Etendeka Namibia

Hikes & Walks

At Etendeka, we believe that the area is best explored on foot. Walking & hiking offers our guests the chance to experience the pristine Kaokoveld environment in great detail. The following walks and hikes are available during your stay at Etendeka.

Guided Morning Nature Walk

Early morning outside shower interrupted only by bird calls reminds you that you are far away from everything except mother nature.

Walking is a significant offering at Etendeka. After breakfast, we set off into the wilderness with our walking sticks, hats, and sunblock. Tracking through a dry Mopani shaded river bed, your knowledgeable guide identifies various animal spoor and rare plant species, and there is the quiet promise of what you might encounter on the walk. 

The area's geology is incredible, and the crystals and agate that litter some of the plains are exquisite and ancient. However, the walk is a viewing only experience; true to Etendeka's philosophy, everything is left as we found it.

Self-guided Sundowner Walk

A short self-guided ‘sundowner walk’ is an option in the afternoon after arriving at the camp, where guests get the opportunity to walk up a hill behind the base to get a better idea of the spectacular setting and location of the camp,

Overnight Walking Trail

Offering three or four-day guided hiking options is an excellent way of discovering the Etendeka area on foot. Accommodation is on comfortable open air platforms, and all the equipment and catering is handled. Find out more and book at Etendeka Hikes.